Failure to address the aspects above may lead to delays to your application for ethical approval. In particular, researchers should ensure that their applications address both the risks posed by their research and the potential benefits offered. Research ethics committees will normally look for the benefits of your research to outweigh the risk of harm and will assess your application to ensure that this is the case. It is therefore important that you address both in a manner appropriate to your research.
Search site. International students Continuing education Executive and professional education Courses in education. Research at Cambridge. Home Research Ethics Ethics application guidance. Applying for ethical approval: Basic principles. There are, however, some core issues that ethics committees will normally expect you to have addressed as part of your application: Respecting autonomy Wherever possible, ethics committees will expect you to demonstrate that you intend to respect the autonomy of individuals involved in your research.
Normally this will include: Providing research participants with sufficient information to make an informed decision as to whether to take part in research informed consent ; Ensuring that participants are not subject to coercion to take part or penalty for not taking part; Ensuring that participants are, and are aware that they are, free to withdraw from the research at any time without giving a reason and without a prejudice; Protecting and respecting personal data provided by participants through rigorous and appropriate procedures for confidentiality and anonymisation.
Maximising benefit Ethics committees will expect you to show that your research is worthwhile and will have beneficial effects that outweigh the risks posed by the project see below.
This would normally include: Designing, reviewing and conducting research in a manner that ensures quality and integrity and maximises the chance of obtaining useful results; Ensuring that research is effectively and appropriately disseminated; Ensuring that the aims of the research are transparent and that the methodology used is appropriate to addressing them.
This would apply to studies that are not health research and do not involve patients e. If you have questions about the new processes for ethical approval that are not answered above, or if you spot errors in the information provided above, please contact Dr Sara Filoche. Our academic building is temporarily closed for seismic reasons but our top class teaching, studying and research programmes remain in full swing. Keep an eye on our website for updates or connect with us on: Twitter OtagoWellington.
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Alumni and Friends Close. Contact Otago Close. Pacific at Otago Close. Search the University of Otago Search. Where should I apply to for ethics approval for my study? Does the HDEC have a multi-regional ethics committee? Please see the research governance, ethics and integrity website for more information.
Student intranet Undergraduate Assessment Ethical approval Ethical approval Student research occasionally raises ethical issues. Coursework For coursework involving limited data collection such as evaluations, market research or working with professionals note: students are not classed as professionals ethical approval is not normally required but this is subject to local requirements and the decision is made by your course leader.
Ethical approval of coursework is required if: topics are sensitive or contentious; vulnerable groups are included such as NHS patients, children under 18, adults with learning difficulties, adults with a terminal illness, mental illness or dementia, adults in care homes, adults or children in emergency situations eg refugees, asylum seekers, prisoners or criminals, young offenders, users of illegal drugs or illegal substances ; unless otherwise exempt, the data collected will form the basis of a publication or similar.
Projects, dissertations and thesis Before you begin your ethics application, you should complete the Ethics Decision Tool. The application The application Students and supervisors are advised to complete the application together. Completing the application When completing your application, consult with the help of bubbles beside each question as they contain lots of vital information and links to documentation such as templates for participant information sheets and consent forms.
Submitting the application Once you have completed your application including the risk assessment and you have signed it, you then request your supervisor signature by pressing the blue "sign" button. Health and safety The health and safety of you and your participants is very important. How long does the ethical review process take?
On average, the process can take: weeks for full UREC. NHS approval can take a very long time, for example, a year.
School template review and approval When your application is submitted, it will be assigned to a General Receiver and to a Chair Reviewer for their consideration. If approved You and your supervisor will receive email notification of this and you can embark on your research. It is very important that you read the contents of the approval letter. If revisions needed You and your supervisor will receive an email advising you that the application has been returned for further amendments or clarifications.
You and your supervisor will consider the feedback, make the amends in the Ethical Review Manager ERM and resign the application, you will both need to sign this again. Check you have received your confirmation email. Your application will then be sent back for consideration and you will be informed of the outcome. The UREC application is submitted via the Ethics Review Manager ERM , the process is: Complete the application online and upload documents and appendices eg participant information sheets, consent forms and recruitment advertisements.
Templates for participant information sheets and consent forms are available on the research ethics guidance webpage. The completed form will be pre-screened by a research ethics signatory authorised on behalf of the School.